Category Archives: Introduction

Build Your War Room: Beginning November 11…….


Well here goes…a PLUNGE.  I hesitate to call this Wednesday Night small group a class.  I hope it is much more an experience or an exercise.  I hope that we learn together how to build and experience the power of our own personal war rooms.  I am praying daily that we are able to build an army of prayer warriors.  Beginning with ourselves, but allowing us all to branch out and share what we learn and APPLY with others.  I have big hopes, that it may not even require sharing, but that rather people see such changes in us that they seek us out to ASK us what has happened to change us.

I can’t help but even think on a larger scale.  What if there is such a change in our Nation that other Nations seek us out to ask us how  we changed, how we turned it all around.

2 Chronicles 7:14  If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

On November 11 a Wednesday Night at Grandview Church we will meet for the first time.  A small group of new infant prayer warriors will embark on what I hope will be many amazing testimonies of faith and answered prayers.  When we are finished I hope none of us are infants any more, but are Bold Mature Prayer Warriors that make the enemy tremble and run away.  The Devil will run from our loved ones because he knows they are protected, claimed, by some of the most couragious, faithful, dedicated prayers warriors of this day.

I want to invite you to attend each Wednesday night at 6:30 pm.  However, if you cannot attend I want to invite you to join me via my new blog titled “Build your War Room”.   I will be sharing some of the study we do each Wednesday with anyone who wants to take the time on their own to study with us.  Join us in early morning study and prayer.  An opportunity to share your stories, prayer requests, anwered prayers with others who have chosen to embark on this journey with us, if not in person then still by the spirit of God through this Blog.

I cannot wait to get to know all of you.  To celebrate and give thanks in your victories.  To grow with you into mighty prayer warriors who have finally surrendered to the Father to do His work.  Be his hands and feet.  Do what he asks of us.  Win a world for him!